Stop Playing Calendar Tetris
As we approach the end of the year, the caroling bells aren't the only things ringing in our ears. For many of us, it's the relentless ping of calendar notifications, summoning us to yet another meeting. It's time to take control and stop playing Tetris with your work calendar. After all, life is too short to be constantly rearranging digital blocks in an attempt to fit everything in.
1. Declutter the Game Board
In the frenetic world of mid-career madness, it's easy for our calendars to resemble a game board. Take a moment, even if you don’t feel like you have that moment to spare, to declutter. Ruthlessly evaluating your commitments.
Are all those recurring meetings truly necessary?
When was the last time a decision was made in that meeting?
If at one point you left it on your calendar “for awareness”, is it now just an outdated block taking up valuable space?
Streamline your calendar by eliminating the non-essential and creating room for strategic thinking and innovation.
2. Prioritize Like a Pro
In the spirit of year-end reflection, it's time to reevaluate your priorities. What seemed crucial in January might not hold the same weight in December. Identify your high-priority tasks and allocate time accordingly. By focusing on what truly matters, you'll not only prevent your calendar from turning into a over stacked grid, but also enhance your overall productivity and job satisfaction.
For the tasks you are no longer going to focus on, save a moment for one more quick assessment:
Does this task still need to be done by anyone?
If the value in that task is truly gone, just let it go. If you believe there is still value, but you are not longer the right person to carry that load, it’s time to delegate.
3. Embrace the Power of No
One of the most challenging moves in the game of work life is learning to say no. It's tempting to fill every gap in your calendar. You want to show you’re a “team player” and “proactive.” But remember, every 'yes' is a commitment that steals a block from your precious game board. Politely declining non-essential meetings or tasks will not only save you time but also ensure that you're investing your energy where it truly counts.
Remember, you were hired to get a job done. Make space for yourself to do just that!
4. Protect Your Calendar
Personal boundaries are your secret weapon. If daycare pickups or any personal commitment is non-negotiable, clearly mark that time as "Busy" on your calendar. Protecting your time isn't just about self-care; it's about maintaining a work-life balance that keeps you healthy and productive.
Let clarity around your boundaries be a shield against the relentless influx of requests for your time. Diligence here will bolster both your personal well-being and your ability to be effective where you need it most.
5. Master the Art of Empowerment
Leaders, it's time to step into the role of decision architects. You probably don’t need to be the one making every decision, and you're definitely getting tired of being in every single meeting.
Take control and create space for yourself at the same time by clarifying decision thresholds. Consider:
What decisions demand your input?
What can you empower your team to own?
Set a plan, communicate it, and test it out. If issues arise during this test phase, resist the urge to add more layers of meetings. Instead, reassess the thresholds and coach your newly empowered team members.
This is your opportunity to shine as a leader and remove a couple tetrimino (it’s a real word!) from your calendar.
6. Go Play Real Tetris
In the pursuit of productivity, we often forget the importance of mental well-being. Surprisingly, the classic game of Tetris, which symbolizes the organizational challenges we face in our work calendars, has been hailed by psychotherapists as an effective tool for mental health.
According to some therapists, playing Tetris can be a therapeutic activity that engages the brain, providing a form of cognitive distraction. The game's repetitive and visually stimulating nature is believed to help reduce anxiety and stress. As you rearrange the falling blocks to create perfect lines, your mind momentarily steps away from the complexities of work, offering a brief respite and a mental reset.
Other construction based games (#minecraft) when played in moderation can lend similar benefits. Read more:
Just as the game of Tetris provides a break for the mind, our calendar strategies aim for balance at work.
Here's to a calendar that's not just full but fulfilling, allowing you to savor the sweet taste of success without the stress of constantly rearranging blocks (#tetriminos). By decluttering, prioritizing strategically, embracing the power of 'no,' setting boundaries, and leveling up on our team’s empowerment, we can transform how we operate.